Thursday, July 9, 2009

It's hard to do nothing.

Sweet lord, it's hot outside. The weather in Montreal has been nothing short of fantastic. Hot everyday, not a cloud in the sky. Palm trees have sprouted across the city. Women stripping down to nothing and then pouring water over their naked bodies just to cool off. It's like a dream!


It is.

The weather sucks. I haven't seen this much consistent rain since I watched se7en. And so it goes that I am indoors more than out. But today looks beautiful and still I haven't been outside. I stayed in bed to whole day. I'm writing this from the corner of my bed where I have pushed it up against the wall to make some sort of chair like area.

I'm on vacation. It's interesting. I've never really been on vacation before. When I imagine all the things I'm going to do on vacation it seems like the time I have is endless and the accomplishments epic. But I have a lot to do. It seems like a choice has to be made. Do I work on things I said I didn't have time to do during the year and give up my vacation or do I focus on rejuvenation. Both are equally and respectively stressful.

"OH COME ON!!! Is this another blog where you complain about how hard stuff is?"

"Well, I was going to just talk about all the stuff I wanted to do and how lazy I am feeling."

"That sounds like a complaint to me."


"YEAH!! Quit your yapping...blah blah your life is sooo hard"

"It is but... actually my life is pretty good. I mean who's life isn't hard?"

"Shut up! Dance Monkey DANCE!!!"


So as you can see...Everything is fine.

Here is some news about the "Biz" stuff. I just got a copy of the latest Dog Sitter Cut. It's Awesome. SO SO SO close to getting this picture locked. I have a tentative test screening this Sunday and we'll see how it goes. but I'm really happy with it so far. In fact I'm more happy with it now than I have been in a while.

The new script is coming along. Slowly but surely. It takes a lot for me to write but I'm getting there....Slowly.

I'm looking to make a few music videos. Anybody have a band that needs a video? Anybody? If you are interested let me know.

And the big news....


Yup. That's right! Though I just decided that right now. But I'm also deciding not to do that this year. Maybe after this year but I know I need to do it. At least for a little. But I think I'm going to have to move at some point to get more work. Right now I'm ok cause I gots me my full time job but that's only a guarantee for another year.

If I do go to Hollywood, I need to look good. I've lost about 20lbs since February and I've started running three times a week. (to eventually run a marathon). I bought some new clothes and I need a haircut but I'm feeling good about myself.

That's it for now.

p.s. Dad is doing ok. Thanks for all your kind words.

p.p.s. I try not to think about her but she stalks my dreams... I still miss her.

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