Thursday, March 13, 2008

Backstory Vol. 2 - The year that time forgot.

10 Months ago I was given an opportunity to become jobless (but not penniless).

I wanted to present what I did and did not do during that time to paint a vague but entertaining picture of where I am now so we can all be up to speed as we all follow my career into success.

Over the past ten months I have not:
- Found a steady job
- Written a feature film
- Directed a short film
- Been on a big budget film set
- Made anyone coffee
- Serviced a big executive (i.e. no blow jobs)
- Won any awards
- Volunteered endlessly every week
- Saved any money for a rainy day
- Knocked up my girlfriend
- Felt financially secure
- Been sure that I am making the right move
- Join a telemarketing firm
- Decicded what I really want to do in film
- Made porn (although I did try)

So what have I actually done?
Over the past ten months I have:
- Looked endlessly for a steady job.
- Written a short film
- Directed the photography and edited a few short films
- Been on a medium-size budget short film set
- Made myself coffee
- Been serviced by a big executive (i.e. My girlfriend )
- Seen awards on T.V.
- Looked for volunteer work
- Borrowed money from friends and family
- Moved in with my girlfriend
- Been financially broke
- Wondered why I am making this move
- Thought about joining a telemarketing firm (I bus Tables at a pub once a week instead)
- Applied to work at over 150 jobs in the field and were denied at least 98%.
- Started to loose hope.

Here are a few things I have been part of over the last ten months:

Anyways, now that you have a rough idea of where I am coming from we can carry on with the good stuff. I'd like to take some time every now and again to talk about some of things I have done and will be doing to kind of give people a taste of what it is like to get into the film industry. I'd like this to eventually turn into a podcast so keep checking in. I Realized today that although I say I work in film, I really don't have a career in film. That realization has helped me a little in that I suppose I can't loose what I don't have.

(Next time - How to get rich and famous over night in film)

So... Anybody have a job for me?


Rob B. said...

So far I'm enjoying this blog. Will me saying that create even more pressure and stress in you trying to maintain the high level of blogitude your loyal readers have become accustomed to?

Adam Reider said...

So far my loyal readership had been limited to So If you enjoy this blog than I have a 100% satisfaction rating on the blog.