Friday, November 28, 2008

Click, Click, Click

A whole month without a post?!? What am I? Some kind of animal? How could I be so cruel.

It's amazing just how much filming my short knocked me out! I'm trying to recover but I can't seem to get on top of things. It's crazy!


The footage looks great. There was an issue with the shoot in that it was accidentally shot in the wrong format. Nothing that will bring the quality of the shoot down but I have to convert the footage and it's taken the better part of a month to get it done. I haven't even started to edit. I think I would like to have the film completed by May the latest but I still have a lot of work to do. i.e. Editing, Color Correction, Monkey Loads of ADR, sound, music, Titles and credits and then a 35mm transfer. (Just kidding about the last one...but I wish!) All this and on top of it I need to go back with some sort of micro crew to film a few shots we missed.


This is the educational film about blood and blood donation. This film will be distributed across Canada and as a result, this could quite possible be the film I make that most people will see! The script has been approved and I'm starting on some pre-production in the coming weeks.


When Dog Sitter is ready to be seen I need to have other projects ready to go in case anybody is interested in me. I think there will be a brief window of opportunity to exploit to further my career and that means I need to start writing yesterday. I have a bunch of exciting ideas I think I would like to write another short during the Christmas break and then get a feature done by mid summer.


I know this entry is boring. It's just a list of what I am doing and I think that this kind of parallels my life. This blog is just about work. I watched the movie Click last night. Although this movie was just awful and I only watched it cause it was on t.v. and nothing else good was on, it did ask an important question. How does a person balance between working hard to get ahead and taking time out for family, friends and relaxation.

I imagine that one day when I have a real film career I will have more of an opportunity to spend time with the people I care about. Over the past few months I have been sacrificing my social life to get ahead. With a full time job intruding on the day, my free time after work is filled up with either more work or exhaustion. I really like my day job and if film wasn't a factor I would want to stay here. But sometimes the comfort of a steady paycheck is a comfort that isn't fully appreciated all the time.

I hear that if you want to make it in this industry, you have to bust your ass. I guess I feel that since I am at work all day doing other things than film work I am not busting my ass so I have to make up the time after work. And then after I finish with that I want to relax a bit and that takes me until late at night when I'm too tired to do anything and then I go to bed with not enough sleep. There just isn't enough hours in the day.

I wish I had more time to do things. I wish I didn't feel like I'm constantly compromising. I wish I felt supported more than I am. I wish I had the energy to give more. I wish I had a schedule that worked for me. I wish I could see my friends more. I wish I could see my family more. I wish my girlfriend could understand how I feel, I wish I wasn't such a whiny bitch.

I'm not complaining about how much work I have, more so about what I am missing out on when I'm doing it. I suppose if it was easy it wouldn't be worth all this. Am I going to look back at my life when I'm old and regret the sacrifices I made? Or worse...what if I make all these sacrifices and I end up not reaching my goal and I'm 72 moping up people spilled drinks at the local McDonald's 53 pounds over weight, alone and cold.

What the fuck am I doing?