Monday, July 19, 2010

Something To See, Something to Eat

So it's been a while yet again. I'm not entirely sure why I've neglected this blog for so long but here I am now.

A lot of really exciting things are happening right now and a few things that are kinda scary. But first the exciting things.

The film Dog Sitter that I have been working on for a very long time is going to be playing at a local theater. It will be the only time people will be able to see this movie outside of the film festival circuit. It will be playing at Cinema Du Parc in Montreal and I can not tell you all how excited I am. I've made other films but I feel like this is truly my first professional film and I can't wait for people to see it. I remember thinking of the idea of this script about three years ago on a beach in Brome. I could say that I never thought I would make it to this point but that would be a lie. I always new I would make this movie. I guess I never thought it would be this long a process. But the process has been an incredible learning experience and I know It will make my next major work so much better!

For those of you that are local and want to come, here are the details.

August 21 @ 1:00pm
Cinema Du Parc
Montreal, QC H2X 3R8
(514) 281-1900
tickets are $6.00
There will also be 5-6 other shorts playing before Dog Sitter.

I had mentioned in the past about a short film called DEC.27
Click HERE to see it!

The Dog Sitter screening is also acting as a fundraiser for my next film along with a super Garage sale I'm having. I need to raise some serious coin because my next project is going to be awesome!

What is it you ask? I'm not sure. I think it's going to be a choice between 4 ideas. I want to make a feature film but I'm not sure if now is the best time. I have ideas for shorts and other projects but I also want to take the rights steps to lead me towards a feature.

But then there is the scary part. I've recently had a string of bad luck which has left me jobless. Which isn't terrible actually. Because now I have the time to focus on film work and the fact that I don't have to get up everyday and go to work in a field that I love but was unrelated to film has given me focus. I feel the excitement of creativity surging through my veins. It feels so good to be able to give my energy to my creativeness. But of course that doesn't do well for money.

And ironically, this form of art is probably one of the (if not the) most expensive form of art. Having little money can be stressful. It is stressful. Paying for Rent, Phone, Power, Car, Bills and food give little room to maintain a social life. Then again, I haven't had much of a social life for a while anyway. (Anybody want to snuggle?) So it's scary when you don't know where the next check is coming from. At least I'm living the life of a starving artist properly now. I think being financially poor but creatively rich is something I'm going to enjoy. Maybe not right away but very soon.

p.s. The Dollar Store isn't half bad for doing some groceries.
p.p.s. I really feel like good things are happening and will continue to happen!