Saturday, April 18, 2009


That's it! I bit the bullet and I'm starting to write a feature. I don;t really know where it will go but I'm doing it. I have a pretty good outline for what I want to do and I think that it's going to be really good. VERY different from Dog Sitter. This one will be much less intense and edgy as far as graphic violence goes. I'm think something a little more Michel Gondry, PT Anderson.

Think Eternal Sunshine
Think Magnolia

I'm really excited to be doing this especially since Dog Sitter might be finished in a 2 to 3 months. I know I need to have something to show people if for some reason my film does well. I think that there could be this potential for interest in me after seeing Dog Sitter but that would be a really small window of opportunity and I have to capitalize on that as much as I can. Nothing worse than having this conversation:

Them: "Wow, Dog Sitter Kicks ASS!!"

Me: "Gee thanks Mr. Moneybags"

Them: "What are you working on now?"

Me: "I'm thinking about this feature, it's a great concept."

Them: "Great, send it over to my office on Monday for me to read."

Me: "Well, I haven't actually started writing it yet, can I send it over in a few months?"

Them: "Yawn, I tire of you...NEXT!!!"

So you see, I need to get this done. I have to get this done. I will get this done.

Think The Shinning
Think Throw Mamma From The Train
Think Misery

Although this new script won't be me pouring my heart out onto the page recounting the humiliating and life altering turn of events of recent, I will be incorporating some themes that I have been dealing with recently. I'm ready. I think it will be good and I won't be using this as a tool to seek revenge. I don't want that stigma atached to the script anyway. (Nor am I seeking revenge. What am I? Inigo Montoya?)

Think The Princess Bride

When I start new projects I like to wander around in the land of hopes and dreams for a little while so I can enjoy it before it crashes ina flaming pit of fire. What if I get the funding to make this movie? What if this gets awards and distro? What if I don't get to make it but I sell it. What if I get an award? What if I don't sell it but use it as a sample to get me a real writing job? What if I become a writer? Whoa!

Fun huh?

Anyway...I'm doing it and I'm enjoying it. I just need to finish. Thats a weakness of mine. I get excited about certain things but then I don't finish. Working all the time makes it hard but now that I'm single and pretty much in charge of my own destiny there is no excuses anymore. Thanks Lucien for some inspiration on this point!

Think Field Of Dreams

p.s. I just got a giant trampoline in my backyard and it's all different kinds of awesome!

Think Big