Sunday, October 31, 2010

What's The Plan, Stan?

A few years ago, I started writing this blog in my first blog entry I wrote this:

"About 10 months ago I left my job working at a Community Centre to pursue a career in the film industry. I had a plan. Make money from the Federal Employment Insurance, Volunteer on as many film and media sets as I could and in about 5 months start freelancing and make a few bucks. Then after my E.I. runs out I will have created enough of a clientele to make a decent living while pushing my career further to eventually win an Academy Award where I would look back on my plan and say something like "I worked hard but I just new this would happen one day." So 10 months later I am probably more poor now then I have ever been before ever and nobody wants to hire me! My E.I. ends next month (April 19 to be exact) and the reality of my situation is setting in. I am not getting any awards anytime soon. In fact at the end of this month I have told myself that I will start applying to jobs outside the Film Industry so I can have at least a few dollars to pay for silly things like rent and food and heat and a phone."

I remember writing this. I was in pretty bad shape. Jumping into something I knew nothing about. Now there are a lot of similarities to my current situation.... But a lot of improvements. Lets play a fun game of Compare and Contrast.

THEN ------------------------------------------ NOW
On Employment insurance Benefits -------- On Employment insurance Benefits
Really Poor ------------------------------------ Not quite that poor
Relocated to St-Henri ------------------------ In NDG, relocated office to Jean-Talon area
No idea how to get ahead -------------------- Better understanding of how to get ahead
Always looking for work --------------------- Gets calls for work
In a relationship ------------------------------ Single
Spends days daydreaming ------------------- Works everyday
Wants to win an Oscar ----------------------- Wants to win an Oscar
Thought I wanted to Write, Direct,
Edit, be a Cinematographer, Gaffer, Grip,
1st A.D., 1st A.C....etc ------------------------- Knows I want to Write and Direct.
Trying to make a movie ---------------------- Made a bunch with more on the horizon!

I think this is a good way to tell how I've grown and evolved from 3 years ago. I think one of the biggest and best changes is how I spend my days. Before, when I had no real clue on what I was doing I spent most of the time looking for work, watching porn, being discouraged and stressed and trying to find a project I could handle. Now I spend most of my days working on actual projects. Some are mine and some are works I'm hired on but I'm working. I do still look for work but it is significantly less stressful. I know what I want to do. I have a clear vision of what has to happen to reach my goals and I have a better understanding of how to do it.

I have set up milestones for myself. "A" needs to happen by "Marchuary 32" do I can get to do B. It's really exciting actually. And as a result of a clear vision and plan, I am much more confident in my approach so much so that I have multiple things going on.

Although, the downside is that I am sacrificing my social life quite a bit now. That's hard. I put a lot of pressure on myself to reach my goals so if it means missing out on a drinking night or a party, I will. Of course this also makes meeting a gal for me to toss my arm around more difficult. (Like it wasn't difficult enough.) But It's all worth it. I'm doing what I want in the field that I want right now! For such a painfully slow start, I really feel the speed of things picking up and you know what? It feels fucking awesome!

I'm not saying I'm successful. But what I can say now with certainty is I'm not successful yet! I just need to keep plowing away at my road map to succes and visualize the shit out of my plan and make it happen.

I really feel that the past 3-odd years have been my film school. I can not even begin to tell you how much more comfortable I am in this industry than 3 years ago. And if these past three years are any indication of what's in store for the future...MAN! I can't wait.

Ok... that felt good to say.

Quick update: Here are a few things goin on:

  • Dogsitter has been submitted to a few film festivals including Sundance. No word yet but I'll be submitting it to a bunch more over the next few months.
  • I've been filming a documentary for the past 4 months. I may have some interest in getting it off the ground... more on that when I have more solid news.
  • Midway through a feature script with another one just about to come through my fingertips.
  • Just finished working on a bunch of films for Galafilm, Urban Handed Works and Catbird Productions.
  • Just about to start working on this guy: